ART. 1 – Submission
Registration for the competition has to be made by the international platforms. The director pays the fee (not refundable) relative to the category and to the period of registration. The open call starts on July, 15th 2024 and closes on May, 28th 2025.


Earlybird Entry from 15/07/2024 to 18/09/2024 $ 10.00
Middle Standard Entry from 19/09/2024 to 30/10/2024 $15.00
Standard Entry from 31/10/2024 to 27/11/2024 $ 18.00
Extended Standard Entry from 28/11/2024 to 18/12/2024 $ 20.00
Middle Late Entry from 19/12/2024 to 08/01/2025 $ 23.00
Late Entry from 09/01/2025 to 05/02/2025 $ 25.00
Extended Late Entry from 06/02/2025 to 05/03/2025 $ 28.00
Middle Final Entry 06/03/2025 to 02/04/2025 $ 30.00
Final Entry 03/04/2025 to 30/04/2025 $ 33.00
Extended Final Entry 01/05/2025 to 28/05/2025 $ 35.00

Earlybird Entry from 15/07/2024 to 18/09/2024 $ 15.00
Middle Standard Entry from 19/09/2024 to 30/10/2024 $ 20.00
Standard Entry from 31/10/2024 to 27/11/2024 $ 23.00
Extended Standard Entry from 28/11/2024 to 18/12/2024 $ 25.00
Middle Late Entry from 19/12/2024 to 08/01/2025 $ 28.00
Late Entry from 09/01/2025 to 05/02/2025 $ 30.00
Extended Late Entry from 06/02/2025 to 05/03/2025 $ 33.00
Middle Final Entry 06/03/2025 to 02/04/2025 $ 35.00
Final Entry 03/04/2025 to 30/04/2025 $ 38.00
Extended Final Entry 01/05/2025 to 28/05/2025 $ 40.00

Earlybird Entry from 15/07/2024 to 18/09/2024 $ 15.00
Middle Standard Entry from 19/09/2024 to 30/10/2024 $ 20.00
Standard Entry from 31/10/2024 to 27/11/2024 $ 23.00
Extended Standard Entry from 28/11/2024 to 18/12/2024 $ 25.00
Middle Late Entry from 19/12/2024 to 08/01/2025 $ 28.00
Late Entry from 09/01/2025 to 05/02/2025 $ 30.00
Extended Late Entry from 06/02/2025 to 05/03/2025 $ 33.00
Middle Final Entry 06/03/2025 to 02/04/2025 $ 35.00
Final Entry 03/04/2025 to 30/04/2025 $ 38.00
Extended Final Entry 01/05/2025 to 28/05/2025 $ 40.00

ART. 2 Submission requisites
Submitted films to the Festival should meet the following requirements:
Films should be made since January, 2018;
Italian or foreign Short Films which last up to 30 minutes;
Italian or foreign Documentaries which last up to 90 minutes;
Italian or foreign Feature Films which last more than an hour and less than 120 minutes;
Italian or foreign Web Series (pilote) which last which last up to 45 minutes;
Italian or foreign Music Video which last up to 6 minutes;
Italian or foreign Original Script wich last up to 230 pages;
Italian or foreign Commercial Advertising which last up to 5 minutes;
Italian or foreign Trailer which last up to 10 minutes.

ART. 3 Genres
It’s an OPEN genre film festival. The author is responsible for the content and any disclaimers regarding the material submitted.

ART. 4 Selection
Official notification date: JUNE 3rd, 2025.
The Films received within the terms above, will be examined by Festival Staff that determines, unquestionably, the admission to the final stage of the Festival. The author(s) of selected films will be contacted by the organization. The full list of selected will be published on the Festival social channels within JUNE 3rd, 2025.

ART. 5 Preselection
May be made a pre-selection of the Films before the late entry deadline, in this case the directors will be contacted by Festival Staff.

ART. 6 Awards
One award per category (Art. 1)
All winners and selected works receive a free certificate (jpg file via e-mail).
The organization may decide not to award one or more category prizes.

ART. 7 Advertising purposes
Festival Staff can use parts of the selected Films for advertising purposes via print, radio, trailer on TV or Cinema or Internet. After registering for the festival, a post will be made on the event’s social networks with the poster of the registered work.

ART. 8 Acceptance of Rules and Regulations
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules. Festival Staff reserves the right to make any changes to the rules and regulations and how to deal with any controversial matters. It’s strictly forbidden to privately contact the staff and jury members during the selection period of the festival, punishment: exclusion from the competition.

Subscribers to the Festival, agree as established by Decree 30 June 2003, No. 196 on the protection of privacy, the use of personal data for all initiatives related to the event. The author of the work declares to accept the regulation in all its parts, you have the legal availability of the film and to authorize the public screening without compensation, freeing the organization of the Festival from any responsibility for the present and future. By entering the competition each author is responsible for the content of his works. The author declares to hold all rights to the work, not in any way prejudicing the rights of third parties, such as other authors, subjects portrayed, transferees of rights, along with those of music, etc. It also declares that the audiovisual material used is not protected by SIAE. Pursuant to the provisions of Legislative Decree. 30/06/2003 n. 196, we inform the author that the provision of data required and necessary for the completion of the documentation of enrollment in the Festival.4