L’Afide e la Formica by Mario Vitale (Best Feature Film), Giuseppe Fiorello (Best Actor). The Perfect David by Felipe Gómez Aparicio (Best Foreign Feature Film). A Fishy Business in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon by Christian Monnier (Best Director). I work at the cemetery by Oleksii Taranenko (Best Cinematography). Bone Cage by Taylor Olson (Best Editing). Implanted by Fabien Dufils (Best Special Effects), Michelle Girolami (Best Actress). Rondinella by Domenico de Ceglia (Honorable Mention). La vita dentro by Carla Di Feo, Fiorenzo Brancaccio (Honorable Mention). Come niente by Davide Como. Light-Year by Hossein Toghiri. Pegasus by Roy Chin. Warmuffin by Johan Liedgren. Qazi by Anil Fastenau, Jakob Gehrmann. Medicine by Dominic Power. The Green Sea by Randal Plunkett. Mors tua vita mea by Salvatore Metastasio. Amazon Queen by Marlin Darrah. Shellfish by Hunter Hopewell. World Ends at Camp Z by Ding Wang. Opposite Direction by Alejandro Bellame. Box of Freedom by Adelina Suvagau. Despertar by Sebastian Palacios Brockhaus. What Costs Your Fear? by Florian Anders. Staring at the sea by Angel Puado Veloso. 9 Fugas by Fon Cortizo. Kontakti by Toni Majaniemi. Two is a magic number by Holger Borggrefe, Stefan Hering. Pierre & Jeanne by Clémentine Célarié. Jasmine Road by Warren Sulatycky.

Essence by Baptiste Chabot (Best Short Film). Dogwatch by Albin Wildner (Best Director). Ferry Ticket by Jiawei Shen (Best Cinematography). La pescatora by Lucia Lorè (Best Editing). A dead sea by Nahd Bashir, Mahmoud Abu Jazi (Best Actor). Hollow by Paul Holbrook, Laura Bayston (Best Actress). But Happy by Anatolii Umanets (Best Special Effects). On / Off by Nicolas P. Villarreal (Best Animation). Tekenchu by Carlos Matienzo Serment (Best Horror). Haiku by Martin Gerigk (Best Experimental Film). It’s Me, Sarah by Fabiola Andrade (Frida Award – “No violence against woman”). The Vow by Charles Sweeney (Frida Award – “No violence against woman”). Lorin by Ajas Kulici (Honorable Mention). Fame by Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo (Honorable Mention). Capitan Didier by Margherita Ferri (Honorable Mention). Il nostro uomo è Anna by Mattia Mura Vannuzzi (Honorable Mention). Escape from a good prison by Erik Jasaň. Pearl by Alessandro Porzio. Habitat by Jaime A. Calachi. Yellow Scarf by Alessandro Spallino. Una Coppia by Davide Petrosino. Waid by Lorenz Piehl. With Me by Albert Kjær Morel. Cracks by Andrea Cazzaniga. Revenge Room by Diego Botta. Squish by Xavier Seron. The dreams of lonely people by Marek Leszczewski. Nimmerland by Constantin G.M. Weber. Holding On by Laura Petrone, Guillaume Kerbusch. O. by Francesco Bruschettini.

In prima linea by Matteo Balsamo, Francesco Del Grosso (Best Documentary). Blind Vision by Dario Butelli (Best Director). Se dicessimo la verità by Emanuela Giordano, Giulia Minoli (Honorable Mention). Sting Like a Bee by Leone. Taxiderman by Rossella Laeng. La fortuna non esiste – La storia del Bomber di Dio by Stefano Tammaro, Edoardo Bellino. The Zone by Paolo Maggi. Amazing Grace by Lynn Montgomery. #KidsOnTech by Paul Zehrer. L’abbraccio by Davide Lorenzano. Terra Sospesa by Matteo Grimaldi, Giacomo Boeri. Dajla: Cine Y Olvido by Arturo Dueñas Herrero.
“Libertà” – Peppe Lana by Gianni Cannizzo (Best Videoclip). Back to Us by Gabriele Rossi (Honorable Mention). Il viandante by Stefano Curto. Ma va a finire che by Raffaele Matrone. The End by Timon Birkhofer. Adiós Noviembre – Eco by Juan Alcaraz. Across the Ocean by Michael W. Choi.
Resistance by Maxime Chefdeville (Best Web Series). Paradox by Vasileios Billy Blioumis. Incoming: Words of War by Kerry Drumm.
Non so dove, ma insieme by Luca Finotti (Best Commercial). Never Again by Mario Dahl (Honorable Mention). Retica by Carlo De Agostini.
Il prezzo di un’emozione by Giuseppe De Vuono (Best Original Script Feature Film). Youth & Age Flower by András Attila Farkas (Best Original Script Short Film). Kabuk by Hakan Ünal. The desert rose by Luigi Salerno. Face Painters by Giovanni Sanseviero. Zeda the hunter by Alexandru Ranta Gheorghe. Legal Passion (1970) by James Jones.